
1666 NFT collection on Bitcoin

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What are OrdBirds?

OrdBirds are a community driven, generative art collection drawn in 24x24 that have invaded the Bitcoin blockchain. While some traits are inspired by your favorite blue chip NFTs, Birds and traits are unique and hand-drawn.

How many OrdBirds are there?

Total supply is 1666 Birds.

How much did they cost to mint?

FREE for the WL

Was there a whitelist?

Yes ser, there was a 1666 large whitelist. These have been given away via twitter and in the OrdBirds Discord. Whitelisted members @OG Birds role in the discord.

Where is the roadmap?

You can find our roadmap and all project info in our Discord.

What rights do I have to the artwork?

You are free to do whatever you want with your OrdBirds.

Check If you are whitelisted